History-maker Garcia Quijano hopes to add Paralympic gold medal to world title

"I have had a dream since I was little, which was to attend the Paralympics. Now (I want to) go for that goal which is to obtain a good result.," Mexico's Para taekwondo athlete Jessica Garcia Quijano says. 19 Jun 2024
Two female Para taekwondo athletes in action
There will be 10 Para taekwondo events at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games, which open on 28 August
ⒸBen Roberts Photo/Getty Images
By AMP Media | For IPC

Jessica Garcia Quijano became Mexico’s first para taekwondo world champion in September 2023 after a 20-year wait for a major title.
Garcia, who won the -52kg crown in front of a home crowd in Veracruz, now hopes to take that form into the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games where she will be one of the favourites.

As well as her world title, she came second at Santiago 2023 Parapan Games and won the Australian Open in Brisbane and the Turkish Open last year too as well as topping the rankings. 

She interrupted her busy schedule to share her journey and preparations.

Quijano took up taekwondo about 20 years ago. @Ben Roberts Photo/Getty Images


You are a world champion and have made history for Mexico. Has it changed your life?

Yes completely. It was a great achievement in my life but more than anything for my sports career since it was the one I longed for years.


Was it special because you were competing in Mexico?

It was a different pressure, however it was welcoming to have the support of my people, who had the opportunity to watch me. Winning did surprise me because I knew the level I was going to face and it wasn't going to be easy to achieve but not impossible.


Was it worth the long wait?

Yes, after having participated in several World Championships, I was able to achieve it at the fourth attempt. Everything comes in time and, with a different mentality, I achieved it.


Is it the greatest achievement in your life?

So far yes. But I have had a dream since I was little, which is to attend the Paralympics. Now (I want to) go for that goal which is to obtain a good result.


Quijano has dreamed about competing at the Paralympic Games since she was young. @Ben Roberts Photo/Getty Images


Preparing for Paris 2024 

How are you preparing for Paris? 

Currently I am training day by day from seven in the morning until nightfall, seven days a week. I dedicate myself to working on my mind, body and soul for when the big day arrives. I am in my best position to execute everything experienced in the process.


You competed at the Grand Palais [Paris 2024 Para taekwondo venue] last year. What were your impressions? 

Having the opportunity to step foot in the venue where these Games will be held, and that I am one of the athletes living one of the best experiences of any athlete, fills me with emotion. To see advertising both there in Paris and outside on social media, on TV, etc., makes people say ‘I will achieve it’ now make it happen.


What about your fifth place in Paris? 

Maybe it was not the result I wanted and expected but I was able to realise that, in my category, anyone can win. I was looking to continue accumulating points in the rankings to maintain a good position.

She is preparing to give her 100 per cent at the Paris 2024 Paralympics. @Ben Roberts Photo/Getty Images


Who is your biggest rival at the Paris 2024 Paralympics?

As I mentioned in the previous question, in my category the results are very variable. I have beaten most of my competitors, vice versa, so the level in general is high and I become a strong opponent for them.


As World Champion you will also be the favorite to win a gold medal in Paris. How do you handle that pressure? 

I am clear that it is a very big commitment since I represent an entire country in which many will turn to look at me. Without compromising the result I want to give my best that day to let everything flow, apply everything I worked on in the process. I will do everything possible so that on 29 August, my performance gives me a satisfactory result of victory.


How it all started

Looking back, when did you start taekwondo? 

I started when I was eight years old, I am currently 28 years old. I participated with able-bodied people since there was not yet a Para taekwondo set-up in Mexico.

In my state [Yucatan] I was the only athlete at the national level at the beginning. Little by little there were more people and it was gratifying to realise that there were other people beginning to want to achieve their personal goals.

I could say that everything changed when I reached the national team, completely new and different for me. There was control in all areas. Now it is taekwondo 24/7. 


Can you describe your life in Yucatán? 

Due to the process I am in, I rarely go home but when I have the opportunity I like it. A lot of going out to eat and enjoying the heat of Yucatán, seeing my people and being at home enjoying a cozy rest.

Quijano is currently studying for a master's degree. @Ben Roberts Photo/Getty Images

Did you work or were you a full-time athlete?

I dedicated myself to studying and now that I have graduated, I have a degree in secondary education with a specialty in biology.  Currently I am studying a master's degree for when I decide to retire, so I have a future and can excel outside of sports.


2023 was a big year for you. Is there a reason for the improvement?

Of course, yes. I want to achieve my full potential, more than anything to prove to myself that everything is possible as long as there is dedication, perseverance and responsibility. Thanks to all of this together, the results speak for the good work and by me making history. 


Discover more about Para taekwondo and the 22 sports in the Paris 2024 Paralympic sports programme 

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