Paris 2024

Paralympic Games

28 August - 8 September

Paris 2024: Abdullah Sultan Alaryani set for his fifth Paralympic Games

From carrying the flag to aiming for gold, Abdullah Sultan Alaryani is on target for his fifth Games 22 May 2024
A male shooter with a rifle in a shooting range
Abdulla Sultan Alaryani won the R7 – men’s 50m rifle 3 positions SH1 at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics
ⒸAlex Pantling/Getty Images
By AMP Media | For IPC

Abdullah Sultan Alaryani of the United Arab Emirates is one of the Paralympics’ most successful athletes in shooting Para sport. The four-time Paralympian has won five medals across the last three Games. And he is ready to take the spotlight at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games. 

The shooting Para sport star shared his journey in the sport ahead of the Paris 2024 Paralympics, which open on 28 August. 


How are preparations for the Paris 2024 Paralympics going?

I have been preparing for Paris for a long time through local, international, and regional tournaments, which gave me the opportunity to interact with high-level players from all over the world. Now that the event is approaching, I am training regularly and trying to improve my numbers with the help of my coach.


As an experienced shooter, how do your emotions differ compared to when you were preparing for your four previous Paralympic Games?

In fact, I have the same feeling every period leading up to the Paralympics, despite the great experience I have gained. This feeling makes every major event that I compete in as if it were the first time, and I consider it a positive thing concerning the development that occurs in shooting.

Alaryani competed in four medal events at Tokyo 2020. @Dean Mouhtaropoulos/Getty Images


How different are you as a person – and as an athlete – compared to your first Paralympic Games at Beijing 2008?

There have certainly been personal differences due to the long period that has passed since 2008. I have more experience thanks to the competition with more high-level professional players. My ambitions and passion for this hobby that I practise professionally have increased.


You were a member of the UAE’s shooting team before you transitioned to Para sports following a car accident in 2001. Can you tell us about your journey from there to becoming a shooting Para sport star?

Shooting had a major role in overcoming the accident. When you find that what happened did not take away your ability to do what you love, then you have the ability to continue and forget the pain. Shooting is what helps me achieve self-fulfillment and is a source of pride.

A lot can be said during this eventful journey, but what I can say is that my determination did not diminish my love for the sport of shooting and my passion for practising it. On the contrary, my determination increased and my ability to face the challenges increased, especially with the great support that I found from everyone everywhere.


What can you remember about Beijing 2008, your first Paralympic Games?

One of the best moments an athlete can remember is carrying his country’s flag during the Opening Ceremony. I did this in Beijing, and it is something I will not forget. Also, being the only Arab shooter in that tournament was a great honour and a history that is rarely enjoyed by many.


Alaryani has won two gold and three silver medals at the Paralympics. @Dean Mouhtaropoulos/Getty Images


You won one gold at London 2012, three silver at Rio 2016, then gold again at Tokyo 2020 – which achievement are you most proud of?

All achievements make me proud. But of course, receiving a gold medal at such a high level makes me the most proud. It is an indescribable feeling. The Tokyo medal was the most difficult to win. It is natural for competitors to make special calculations for a player who has previously won a gold medal, and thus the competition was much more fierce.


What was it like competing at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics?

The whole world during the Covid-19 pandemic was not as we know it. Therefore, the stadiums were not the stadiums that we were accustomed to, not to mention the many precautionary measures that we were taking.

The lack of fans certainly affected us, as fans in all sports give momentum and motivation. Fans are the only element that do not win titles or awards but continue to provide encouragement and support – that stems from true love for sports and athletes.


What is going through your mind when you are about to take your shot?

At that moment, I must be fully focused and try to completely clear my mind of anything other than aiming well at the target. Simply put, I aim at the middle of the shooting board, nothing more.


You described the final at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics as the toughest match of your life – why?

Before Tokyo, the circumstances that occurred throughout the world as a result of the pandemic were difficult for everyone, and this was reflected in the difficulty of competitions and adapting to the special procedures that were followed. The lack of fans makes it as if you are in training and not in competition and overcoming that was a big challenge. I am very excited to compete in Paris in front of the crowds again.


Speaking of motivation, how do you manage to stay motivated over so many years?

The greatest motivation over the years is that I am a representative of my country, which gave me everything and supported me in every way. Therefore, I can never let my country down and I will do everything I can to raise the flag on the podium.

Alaryani won UAE's first gold at the 2022 World Shooting Para Sport Championships in Al Ain. @Alaa Elarnaouty / Zayed Higher Organisation for People of Determination


You have won Paralympic medals in three different shooting events. Which will you compete at in Paris and what are your goals?

I will participate in 10-metre standing shooting and 50-metre shooting, both in rifle, and my goal is to achieve golds, God willing.


How different is your profile in UAE compared to when you first started shooting?

On the public level, of course, I have gained more popularity, and this popularity increases with the winning of medals and victories, and many people ask to take pictures with me, and I am always happy about that.


Do you see yourself as a role model for other potential Paralympic shooters?

It is very important for young people to look up to me, especially for shooters; this puts the responsibility on me to be committed in all aspects of my life.


What advice would you give to young people with disabilities who are thinking about taking up Para sport?

I will tell them there is nothing preventing you from practising what you love and your favourite hobbies as long as the heart beats and the breathing continues, and you should not postpone your decision to go to practise sports.

You will be champions as long as there is commitment, persistence and diligence, for God does not waste the reward of those who work hard.


Book your tickets for the Paralympic Games by visiting the Paris 2024 ticketing website.