Marcel Hug

17 Apr 2019
Marcel Hug
Marcel Hug
ⒸGetty Images
Marcel Hug

Marcel Hug © • Getty Images

What is the most important thing in sports for you?

Pursuit for the perfect performance and the apperciation I get is the most important. Sport demands a lot, but it also gives back - emotions, friendships, experiences, etc.

What is special for you about wheelchair racing?

It's dynamically, athletic, graceful and tactically. Furthermore, the performance level is extremely high.

Do you have a personal motto in life and in sport?

I want to be respected as an athlete instead of being admired as a person with an impairment.

What is your advice to others to advance in life?

To always further develop and to be self-cricital. Let's keep it like that: "Who thinks to be something has stopped to become better."

What is your advice to other athletes?

Stick to your principles. It needs a lot of discipline, ambition and patience to reach the top.