IPC Ice Hockey B Pool World Championships
10-16 March

Nagano 2013 - Media Centre

News - Ice sledge hockey

Two male Para ice hockey players competing on ice

Moose Jaw 2023: Get to Know Italy

The host of the next Winter Paralympics has never finished higher than fifth or lower than seventh at the World Championships

A group of about 80 people pose for a photograph.

Third IPC Athletes’ Forum to focus on joint strategies with the IPC

Over 100 delegates are expected to gather in Icheon, Republic of Korea from 25-27 June 2023. “The athlete's voice is not only the most prominent it has ever been in the IPC, but we at the Athletes’ Council really feel that the IPC is fully supportive of initiatives that develop athletes within the Paralympic Movement," IPC Athletes’ Council Chairperson Jitske Visser said.