IPC Regions’ Council Articulates a Clear Direction of Action

03 Nov 2010 By IPC

The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) Regions’ Council representing the five Regions of Oceania, Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas met in Bonn, Germany, over the weekend to elect a new leader and discuss a Regional Strategy that will benefit NPCs.

During the weekend the 10 members reviewed the Council's role within the IPC’s organizational structure and developed a “Regional Strategy" that will focus on supporting NPC's in development, sport, events and effective communication within and between Regions.

Joint meetings were held with the IPC Sports’ Council and the IPC Development Committee with the aim of ensuring effective communication will flow between groups, particularly in the areas of sport and development within Regions.

The Regions’ Council also identified the need to raise the profile as well as the extensive activity occurring within regions through existing IPC communication channels.

The Council also wants to provide feedback to the IPC Governing Board on the IPC’s policies and Strategic Plan.

A key long term goal is to assist in facilitating the empowerment of NPC’s where required.

During the meeting, Paul Bird from the Oceania Region was elected as the new Chairperson of the Region's Council.

After his election, Bird said, “I am delighted with the passion and commitment of the members of the new Regions Council. We have a great opportunity to now contribute more effectively to building a stronger global IPC brand through capacity building of our Regions.”

Xavier Gonzalez, IPC Chief Executive Officer, said, “I am looking forward to working together with Paul and the other members of the Regions’ Council in the future to ensure that the Regions’ voice is heard within the IPC. A close co-operation is key for raising awareness of the Paralympic Movement in all parts of the world.”

The Regions’ Council provides a forum for exchange of information on matters of common interest. It advises the Governing Board in relevant matters and assists in the development of IPC Policies and the Strategic Plan. It helps to protect and deliver the IPC Vision and Mission and protect the diversity of the Movement.