USOC launches website to help fundraise for Paralympic hopefuls

Team USA Registry a new, unique way for fans to donate to athletes 30 Apr 2015
US Paralympics logo square

The United States Olympic and Paralympic Foundation has launched a fundraising programme aimed at enhancing its annual fund called Team USA Registry.

The annual fund (Team USA Fund) serves as the cornerstone of support for US Olympic and Paralympic athletes. At the core of the new campaign is a website that allows donors to choose meaningful, symbolic gifts, such as running shoes, badminton racquets or plane tickets for competition travel – all in support of US Olympic and Paralympic hopefuls. With the campaign, the USOPF hopes to bridge the gap its athletes face between their average incomes and training expenses.

“Unlike most National Olympic Committees, the US Olympic Committee receives no government funding, and we’re being outspent by our competitors at an increasing rate,” said Jon Denney, USOPF president and USOC chief development officer. “Team USA relies on the ‘Team Behind the Team,’ – generous donors and sponsors – to help US athletes remain competitive with the rest of the world. The Team USA Registry offers donors a new and unique way to join Team USA on the Road to Rio.”

At, donors will get a glimpse into what many Olympians and Paralympians require on their paths to the podium and will have the chance to help offset the more than USD 40,000 it costs to fund an athlete’s journey to the Games. The gifts serve as unrestricted donations to the Team USA Fund, supporting the mission of the USOC.

“To a US Olympic or Paralympic athlete, ‘training’ requires specialized equipment, world-class coaching, sports medicine, travel expenses and nutrition services,” said Natalie Coughlin, Team USA veteran and 12-time Olympic medal winner in swimming. “This support is more important today than ever, as there are athletes who have the potential, but not the means, to achieve their Olympic and Paralympic dreams.”

For more information on the Team USA Registry, visit