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Forum Promotes UN Relationship

Representatives from the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) were recently in Lausanne, Switzerland, for the first joint forum between the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the United Nations (UN) at the Olympic Museum.

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Rehabilitation Focus at Sports Medicine Congress

Topics including early interventions in rehabilitation and regenerative medicine in sports were part of the International Federation of Sports Medicine (FIMS) World Congress this past week in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

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Programme Pushes Education in Azerbaijan

The London 2012 International Inspiration Programme is having a high impact on the people and culture of Azerbaijan after three years of operation in the country.

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London 2012 Mascots Launched to World

The London Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) yesterday unveiled its Olympic Mascot, Wenlock and Paralympic Mascot, Mandeville.

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First Co-ordination Commission Visit to Rio

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) Co-ordination Commission for the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games ended its first visit today to the Brazilian host city with a full schedule of events.

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Paralympic World Cup in Manchester

With just five days until the start of the 2010 BT Paralympic World Cup, Lord Sebastian Coe has spoken of his hopes for the British and international athletes who will compete in Manchester, Great Britain.

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WADA Publishes Vancouver Observer Report

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has officially published the Vancouver 2010 Paralympic Winter Games Independent Observer (IO) Report on their website.