female Para table tennis player Kelly Van Zon

World Championships and Asian Para Games highlight the year

Man celebrating in a rowing boat

Four key moments as rivalries renew and records are broken

male sitting volleyball player Morteza Mehrzadselakjani blocks a ball over the net

Iran and Russia emerge victorious at World Championships

male boccia player Greg Polychronidis celebrates his winning ball

High-quality action guaranteed at Dubai World Open

female Para badminton player Pilar Jauregui

Peruvian badminton player shines at Pan Am Championships

a male South Korean judoka punches the air after throwing his opponent to the ground

Highlights of the sport throughout the year

a female Para athlete holds up a French flag

Three-time Paralympic champion replaces Emmanuelle Assmann

a group of female Brazilian goalballers smiling with medals round their necks

Look back on most memorable moments of the year

a group of Para dancers and officials giving thumbs up

Three new nations try sport after course in Latvia

British female triathlete Hannah Moore riding on her bike during a race

2018 in Review: Para triathlon