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Universal Sports is officially bringing back their coverage of the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games to sporting enthusiasts in the USA with a total of 28 hours of events and programming.

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The International Olympic Committee (IOC) Evaluation Commission for the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games wrapped up its second official site inspection stop on 19 April in Tokyo, Japan.

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The official magazine of the International Paralympic Committee (IPC), 'The Paralympian', has undergone a moderate change in 2009.

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Deputies from Russia’s State Duma and representatives of leading public organizations recently discussed Russia’s ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, in preparation for the Sochi 2014 Paralympic Winter Games. The meeting demonstrates the intensive work being brought into Russia’s national legislation toward further alignment with international standards.

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The fourth International State-of-the-art Congress for “Rehabilitation: Mobility, Exercise & Sports” (7-9 April), brought experts from all around the world to the Vrije University in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

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The Whistler-Blackcomb Foundation recently announced a grant of US$ 150,000 toward the “Welcome and Equipment Centre at Whistler-Blackcomb”, which is part of the Whistler Adaptive Sports Programme (WASP).

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The eighth International Blind Sport Federation (IBSA) General Assembly took place this past weekend in Antalya, Turkey, ending with the election of a new Executive Committee for the work period 2009-2013.