Teresa Perales

Six-time Paralympic gold medallist Teresa Perales will carry the flag for the Spanish delegation at the Opening Ceremony on 29 August.

Michael Watson

The former boxer will be one of 580 inspirational torchbearers ahead of Opening Ceremony.

Ottobock in London

IPC Worldwide Paralympic Partner Ottobock will operate 13 workshops for the Paralympic Games to provide technical service to the more than 4,200 athletes competing.

Greg Smith

Four-time Paralympian and Wheelchair Rugby Player Greg Smith was chosen to carry Australia's flag at the London 2012 Paralympic Games Opening Ceremony.

London 2012 Paralympic Torch

Paralympic Flames were lit on the highest peaks of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and will soon come together to form the Paralympic Torch.

London Olympic Park Aerial View

The Paralympic Flag arrives in Sochi

Olympic Stadium

LOCOG is transitioning the look of London and the Olympic Park to reflect the Paralympic Games, now just a week away.

A picture of man fixing up a wheelchair

There will be a team of 80 prosthetists, orthotists and wheelchair technicians from the IPC's worldwide partner helping 4,200 athletes at the Paralympic Games.