A picture of three women showing their medals

The No. 47 moment in Paralympic sport of 2012 is when Hong Kong wheelchair fencer Yu Chui Yee was truly able to inspire others after winning her seventh Paralympic gold.

Germany ice sledge hockey

Bas Disveld helped Germany win their opening game at the 2012 IPC Ice Sledge Hockey B Pool World Championships against his own country, the Netherlands.

Russia ice sledge hockey

On Day 2 of the 2012 IPC Ice Sledge Hockey B Pool World Championships, Russia beat Germany in a thriller and Sweden triumphed against Austria.

Russia football

When Russia’s Eduard Ramonov found the back of the net in London, his goal won his country’s first football 7-a-side gold medal since Sydney 2000.

David Weir - London 2012

Following the success of the Paralympic Games and sold-out sessions, London now wants the World Championships

Per Kasperi

Both Sweden and Germany opened up their campaigns with wins at the 2012 IPC Ice Sledge Hockey B Pool World Championships.

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The signing of the IPC IOC Co-operation Agreement in July 2012 has secured the growth of the Paralympic Movement until 2020.

Germany ice sledge hockey

After failing to make the Vancouver 2010 Paralympic Winter Games and falling to the B Pool, Germany’s ice sledge hockey team are fighting their way back to the big stage.

Aniek van Koot

With Esther Vergeer not playing, Griffioen and van Koot are the favourites to take the women’s doubles title.