female Para swimmer Elena Krawzow gives a thumbs up and holds up her gold medal

Record pace in the pool leads to stunning World Series wins

male Para athlete Daniel Martins holds up his arm and fist pumps while holding a gold medal and smiling

Paralympic champion smashes world record in Sao Paulo

male Para powerlifter Mohammed Khamis Khalaf in the middle of two other powerlifters on the podium with their arms around eachother

Powerlifting veteran reigns supreme at Eger World Cup

three male Para swimmers with their medals on the podium

World Series stage comes to an end with more joy for hosts

male Para athlete Michael Roeger running on the streets of London

Australian wins in world record time on streets of British capital

Female wheelchair racer Manuela Schaer breaks the tape at the finish line

Swiss wheelchair racer maintains unbeaten marathon streak

Ellie Simmonds close to tears in the pool after the race

Great Britain dominate as home swimmers take five of six golds on day two

Cicero Nobre celebrates lifting his arms with his eyes close

Field athletes excel on second day of Brazilian Grand Prix

Juan Carlos Garrido holds his gold medal

Chile’s comeback king gets gold at World Cup

Maria Carolina Gomes smiling while wearing her swimsuit

Brazilian swimmer sets new world record in 100m breastroke