male sitting volleyball player Morteza Mehrzadselakjani blocks a ball over the net

Defending champions retain sitting volleyball titles

male Para athlete Amanolah Papi prepares to throw a javelin

World records tumble and China collect more gold

a female Para dance athlete shapes her arms

Home favourites highlight field at Kosice World Cup

Portrait photo of woman

Para table tennis player second Argentine to win this year

male powerlifter Jixiong Ye raises his arms in celebration

Rounding up all the action on day six of Asian Para Games

a group of Korean table tennis players standing with a United Korea flag

Member of unified table tennis team reflects on win

three female Chinese goalball players talking in front of the goal

Iran and Japan complete finals line-up at Asian Para Games

male sitting volleyball players from China and Kazakhstan volleying the ball over the net

World champions the favourites for sitting volleyball gold

A group of women in organge vests celebrate with a large trophy after winning the world title

Competitions to act as qualification tournament for Tokyo 2020

Group of people posing for a picture in front of a building

Training camp in Ethiopia gathers more than 80 participants, with 30 athletes also joining Proud Paralympian workshop