David Weir and Shelly Woods with Prince Harry

Logo IPC Academy

Andy Barrow

Great Britain’s Andy Barrow, a 2-point player on the Wheelchair Rugby Team, gives the lowdown on the test event at the Basketball Arena in the Olympic Park.

Australia 2012 team kit launch

To coincide with Fashion Week Australia leading Paralympians took to the catwalk to parade the new kit

Interior of Basketball Arena

Like Wheelchair Basketball, Wheelchair Rugby will take place in the Basketball Arena on the Olympic Park, one of the largest temporary structures ever used for the Games

Wheelchair rugby players in action

Here’s a list of 12 interesting things you should know about Wheelchair Rugby at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.

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Benoit Huot at the 2010 IPC Swimming World Championships

18 Super Athletes star in campaign to increase profile of Canadian Paralympic athletes

A picture of a person talking to sitting person.

South Sudan was only formed in 2011, but already there are signs that the Paralympic Movement could blossom there.