Wheelchair rugby players in action

Here’s a list of 12 interesting things you should know about Wheelchair Rugby at the London 2012 Paralympic Games.

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Benoit Huot at the 2010 IPC Swimming World Championships

18 Super Athletes star in campaign to increase profile of Canadian Paralympic athletes

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South Sudan was only formed in 2011, but already there are signs that the Paralympic Movement could blossom there.

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The 2012 Gavirate International Adaptive Regatta was the penultimate chance for teams to qualify before the London 2012 Paralympic Games.

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The IPC Athletics classification training was hailed a success and will help to extend classification knowledge in 19 countries.

A picture of an Australian Wheelchair Rugby player.

Australia’s Chris Bond is sometimes overshadowed by his teammate Ryley Batt, but the 3.5-pointer is increasingly proving to be just as formidable on the Wheelchair Rugby court.