Brent Lakatos of Canada competes in the men's 400 meter T53 at Olympic Stadium during day 3 of the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games

Records continued to tumble on the final day of competition at the Swiss Nationals on Sunday (28 May) at the world-renowned fast Arbon track.

A woman holds a ball above her head to simulate a classification

Para sport International Federations have until 30 June to complete self-audits.

Australian Paralympic Committee - Commonwealth Games Australia - Partnership

The agreement aims to provide Australian athletes the best possible environment for success at the 2018 Commonwealth Games in Gold Coast.


Sergei Sychev tested positive during an out-of-competition test but was able to prove his supplement had been contaminated.

Lima 2019 - schoolkids - mascot design

Primary and secondary school students from Lima, Peru participated in the mascot design competition, which ends on 30 May.

Man with visual impairment holds microphone and speak in front of people

The former football 5-a-side Paralympian will succeed Andrew Parsons.

Peter Genyn - Rio 2016

The Belgian T51 wheelchair racer will face his Finnish rival Toni Piispanen at this week’s World Para Athletics Grand Prix in Switzerland.

Powerlifting - CPB - Exhibition - Brazil

Brazil’s powerlifters Terezinha Mulato and Joao de Franca participated in an exhibition aimed at raising awareness of the sport in the region.

Wheelchair tennis player hits a ball.

Argentina’s world No.4 and Japan’s No.2 won the men’s and women’s titles respectively, at the Korea Open on 27 May.

a photo showing the top half of a lady in a canoe wearing a white top, life jacket and sunglasses

The Rio 2016 Paralympic medallists captured gold in the season opening World Cup.