A picture of a lonely man in a wheelchair

Mile Stojkoski from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is travelling over 5,000km to London in a wheelchair to raise awareness about issues facing people with a disability. Each week, his Project Manager, Vladimir Pandovski, updates on their progress.

A picture of a poster

The Paralympic Flag arrives in Sochi

The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) has published the Qualification Guide for the Sochi 2014 Paralympic Winter Games.

Sochi 2014 Paralympic Mascots

Two judokas in competition

Brazil’s Antonio Tenorio went down in Paralympic legend in Beijing when he won his fourth consecutive Paralympic gold. In London, he’s aiming to take home his fifth.

Men's 100m T44 IPC Athletics World Championships

Athletes on the finish line in Beijing

Record number of National Paralympic Committees will contest 170 medal events at the Games.

The Paralympic Flag arrives in Sochi

The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) has published the Qualification Guide for the Sochi 2014 Paralympic Winter Games.

Canada Wheelchair Curling Team

The Canadian Paralympic Committee has announced that a total of $346,500 in funds will be distributed to 51 sport organizations across the country.