Manuela Schar - Switzerland - Athletics

Swiss wheelchair racer confident ahead of Berlin marathon on Sunday (24 September)

Team Visa - PyeongChang 2018

Oksana Masters, Beibei Chu, Seung-Hwan Jung and Mac Marcoux are the four Para athletes in the team

Female dancer in wheelchair poses for photo with standing partner and two other officials

Former able-bodied fencer has competitive fire that could lead to Worlds medal in one month’s time

2017 ParaVolley Africa Sitting Volleyball Championships - Highlights

Regional Sitting Volleyball Championships conclude on 17 September

Woman wheelchair dancer and her standing partner perform

Belgian TV series follows journey of Inge Blockmans and celebrity Koen Wauters to first dance competition.

Malle, Belgium, will host 2017 Para dance sport World Championships

The competition from 21-22 October will be shown live on

Mexico City 2017 Para Sport Festival - logo

Following Tuesday’s devastating earthquake the IPC has postponed upcoming World Championships in powerlifting and swimming.

Woman in wheelchair dances with standing partner

Dance couples Wong and Choi; and Huang and Kuo triumphed at the last competition before the 2017 Worlds

2018 UCI Para Cycling Track World Championships - Rio de Janeiro

Apeldoorn, the Netherlands will stage the following edition in 2019