Healthy and Fit for Optimal Performance
4-7 September


Female dancer in wheelchair poses for photo with standing partner and two other officials

Former able-bodied fencer has competitive fire that could lead to Worlds medal in one month’s time

2017 ParaVolley Africa Sitting Volleyball Championships - Highlights

Regional Sitting Volleyball Championships conclude on 17 September

Woman wheelchair dancer and her standing partner perform

Belgian TV series follows journey of Inge Blockmans and celebrity Koen Wauters to first dance competition.

Malle, Belgium, will host 2017 Para dance sport World Championships

The competition from 21-22 October will be shown live on

Mexico City 2017 Para Sport Festival - logo

Following Tuesday’s devastating earthquake the IPC has postponed upcoming World Championships in powerlifting and swimming.

Woman in wheelchair dances with standing partner

Dance couples Wong and Choi; and Huang and Kuo triumphed at the last competition before the 2017 Worlds

2018 UCI Para Cycling Track World Championships - Rio de Janeiro

Apeldoorn, the Netherlands will stage the following edition in 2019

8th Asia-Pacific Congress on Sport Technology - Tel Aviv, Israel

Eighth edition of the APCST is set to take place in Tel Aviv from 15-19 October

Sareh Javanmardidodmani wins shooting gold medal Rio 2016

The competition features Rio gold medallists Sareh Javanmardidodmani and Veronika Vadovicova

Jianquan Tian CHN (left) vs Gang Sun CHN in the Men's Individual Épée - Category A Semi-final Wheelchair Fencing in the Carioca Arena 3 at the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games.

The 2017 World Championships are less than two months away

Nils-Erik Ulset of Norway

Nordic skiing champion has no time for holidays to be at his best at PyeongChang 2018

Gold medalist Zhangyu Li of China celebrates after competing in the men's 3km C1 Pursuit Final at Rio 2016 Paralympics at Rio Olympic Velodrome.

China’s three-time cycling Paralympic champion still recovering from injury

Lucy Ejike, Ali Jawad and Sherif Osman are the three candidates for World Para Powerlifting Athlete Representative.

Accredited powerlifters are allowed to vote for one of the three nominees at Mexico City 2017

Man shoots a shotgun during a competition

Host nation Italy topped the medals table in the milestone event

Man competing in R9 (mixed 50m rifle prone SH2) event

The inclusion comes just ahead of the next World Cup event in Osijek, Croatia

A group of 12 paralympians wearing the new green and yellow uniforms.

Kobe, Japan, will be the site for the Australian team to train for the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games.

Akira Kano

In addition to improving his skiing, he wants to become a better human being

Two-time Paralympian Jamery Siga is expected to represent Malaysia at his home World Championships.

Kuching will be the first Asian city ever to host the competition with over 600 swimmers from 70 countries expected to compete

GBR's rowing gold medallists at Lagoa

The reigning world champions will try to retain their title over the new, longer distance