Healthy and Fit for Optimal Performance
4-7 September


Teresa Perales

After a great experience at Beijing 2008, Spanish swimmer Teresa Perales decided to represent my country once again at London 2012.

Sarah Storey

British para-cyclist Sarah Storey shares what her schedule will be like from now until London 2012.

The Paralympic Symbol Projected onto the White Cliffs of Dover to mark 100 days to go

Paralympic symbol projected on to British landmark to coincide with 100 days to go

Team Iran Sitting Volleyballl celebrating

The Iranian men’s Sitting Volleyball team is under pressure at London 2012, having won five of the last six Paralympic golds.

Olympic Park sunrise

First published on Huffington Post, LOCOG's Director of Paralympic Integration Chris Holmes gives his view on 100 days to go until London 2012.

Brazil Football 7-a-Side

The Brazilian Football 7-a-Side squad heads off to compete at the BT Paralympic World Cup as a final tune-up for London 2012.

London Olympic Park Aerial View

4,200 athletes from 165 countries set to take part as Paralympic Games return to spiritual birthplace

Great Britain's athlete Dan Greaves

American Jeremy Campbell could be a threat to British favourite Dan Greaves in the Discus competition both in Manchester and London this year.

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Brit and Grammy Award winners who have sold 55 million records worldwide will bring down on the curtain on London 2012 in style

Copper Box

The London 2012 Goalball venue was built to achieve an annual energy savings of up to 40 per cent and will be used for a variety of events following the Paralympics.

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Zimbabwe NPC Website

The IPC is working with developing National Paralympic Committees as part of its overall digital media strategy to propel the Paralympic Movement forward around the globe.

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Bruno Vanhove

Bruno and Tom Vanhove are both brothers and teammates, making for healthy Goalball competition in Belgium as the team heads to London.

A picture of plenty of person posing for a photo

The athlete accommodations and facilities for London 2012 were given the approval by Olympians and Paralympians from the Athletes’ Committee.

USA women's Goalball

USA, Russia and Denmark are expected to lead the way in women’s Goalball heading into the Paralympic Games.

A picture of a group posing for a photo

With the London 2012 Paralympic Games fast approaching, the IPC Athletes’ Council had plenty of exciting topics to discuss from social media to anti-doping.

A picture of several person posing together

LOCOG announced the first 332 people to carry the Paralympic Flame as a part of the London 2012 Paralympic Torch Relay.