Healthy and Fit for Optimal Performance
4-7 September


Archery - Fact of the week

To mark the International Paralympic Committees 25th anniversary, World Archery has selected its top eight moments.

Many people in a room with some holding white signs

The celebrations took place in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, to help celebrate the 25th anniversary of the International Paralympic Committee

A picture of a Nordic skiing finish line.

Organisers for the IPC Nordic Skiing World Championships are seeking major sponsors to partner with for Cable 2015.

Allianz fact of the week KW 39 fencing

During a contest the fencers’ wheelchairs are fastened into medal frames on the floor, allowing freedom of the upper body only.

Dariusz Pender

After a short interlude, the world's best wheelchair fencers return to competition at the Grand Prix in Warsaw, Poland later this month.

Mary Fisher, NZL, competing at the 2013 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal

New Zealand’s Mary Fisher is balancing her hectic training schedule preparing for Rio 2016 with studying for a degree.

Dutch athlete with his fist in the air

The Dutch ace excels in both para-cycling and para-triathlon and is aiming to become the world’s best in both at Rio 2016

Romario Diego MARQUES, Brazilian team blocks

Athletes from eight sports who had won international medals in 2014 were invited to a special event at the Planalto Palace in Brasilia, Brazil.

Fireworks during the closing ceremony of the London 2012 Paralympic Games.

The London 2012 Paralympic Games were the best ever, breaking multiple records and inspiring a generation.

Four people with prothesis sprinting

Reigning Paralympic and World Champion Heinrich Popow leads a three day running clinic in China to give amputees the skills to improve their freedom of movement and independence.

Fireworks during the closing ceremony of the London 2012 Paralympic Games.

After nominations from around the world, the IPC Governing Board has chosen London 2012 as the best moment to have taken place since the IPC was formed.

Sweden Goalball Men Team

Sweden are looking to get their Rio 2016 bid back on track with victory at the European Goalball Championships B in Hungary.

2011 Inas Games

With one year to go, the Organising Committee are launching a drive to find the additional financial support needed.

Portrait picture of women in formal uniform smiling to the camera.

After working for the IPC for 25 years, Leen Coudenys, IPC Governing Board Executive Assistant, is the organisation’s longest serving employee and knows the organisation better than most

Kanye West

The USA’s wheelchair rugby star Chuck Aoki talks about Kanye West’s comments during his concert in Sydney, Australia, towards two spectators in a wheelchair.

Brian Mckeever, Canada speeds downhill

Stars from the Canadian Paralympic team that claimed 16 medals in Sochi were celebrated at the 2014 Canadian Paralympic Sport Awards

World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)

The guide will act as a reference point for all athletes looking to increase their knowledge and understanding of the WADA Code.

Photo of the IPC headquarters in Bonn

The International Paralympic Committee is best known as the global governing body of the Paralympic Movement, but here are some unusual things that you may not have known.

Sir Philip Craven

As the IPC celebrates 25 years, Sir Philip Craven puts the IPC’s success down to all those within the Paralympic Movement and looks ahead to the next 25 years.

woman and man falling from a plane in a skydive

Natasha Baker, Great Britain's double Paralympic gold medallist, has thrown herself out of a plane to raise money for children’s charity Dreamflight, which take ill or children with an impairment on unforgettable holidays.