Paralympic Winter Games
04 - 13 March

Beijing 2022 - News

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STAGE IS SET: The National Stadium, also known as the Bird's Nest is seen from the top level of the Olympic Tower in the Olympic Green in Beijing, China. The area will host a number of events for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games, including the opening ceremonies.

Beijing 2022 assures a Winter Games spectacle

‘Winter Paralympic Games have created a good environment for people with disabilities to more actively integrate into society so that the Games will continue to improve the situation for people with disabilities in China.'

The historic landmarks in Beijing have been made accessible ahead of the Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games.

Beijing 2022 to bring greater accessibility for persons with disabilities

'I believe that Beijing 2022 will be as important for the Para sport in China as the summer 2008 Paralympics were. The investment that China is making in winter Para sports and the number of persons with disabilities that they want to reach and be engaged in winter sport is impressive'