IPC Swimming European Championships
5-11 August

EINDHOVEN 2014 Media Centre

News - Swimming

An underwater photo of five female swimmers in the water

Citi Para Swimming World Series: Know all winners

First awarded in 2017, here are the winners of all editions of the World Series in the Female and Male Overall, High-Support Needs and Juniors Athletes categories, as well as the best National Paralympic Committee (NPC) of each year

A male swimmer with a cap of Brazil celebrating in the pool

Santiago 2023 Review: Douglas Matera leads Brazil's gold medal rush in the pool

Brazilian swimmer participates in eight of his country's 66 victories in the Chilean capital, world champions Carlos Serrano, Nelson Crispin and Sara Vargas take Colombia to second place while USA's Paralympic champion Evan Austin makes successful return and Vicente Almonacid puts host nation on the top of the podium