Q&A with Refugee Paralympic Team athlete Amelio Castro Grueso

Amelio Castro Grueso will compete in wheelchair fencing at Paris 2024 as a member of the largest-ever Refugee Paralympic Team The Q&As have been edited for length and clarity 09 Jul 2024
Amelio Castro Gruesso, a member of the Refugee Paralympic Team at Paris 2024, is wearing his wheelchair fencing gear
The Paris 2024 Paralympic Games will take place between 28 August and 8 September 2024.
ⒸWorldAbility Sport

1.    What are some of the biggest challenges you have faced in your life and on your trip to Paris?

I have had many including:  the death of my mother when I was only 16 years old and a traffic accident when I was 20, in which I lost the movement of my legs. Then I had to leave my country because of threats against me, arriving in a country where I didn’t know anyone, and I didn’t understand the language. 

2.    Can you share a personal story that highlights how much you have had to overcome and how you did it? 

After my accident in 2012, my family left me alone in the hospital and it was a very difficult situation because I had to get used to being in a wheelchair without knowing anyone. Today, I look back at that time and see that it allowed me to grow a lot personally through introspection, meditation and reflection. I think I became a better person and it helped me get a lot closer God.


3.    How did you start playing sport? 

After a long journey of recovery, I decided I would write a book to try to inspire people. Then I had an idea: if I could do a sport and excel in it and win medals, that would give me visibility and capture the attention of the public. I tried wheelchair basketball, but I didn't like it. Then one day I had the great fortune to discover wheelchair fencing. From the very first day I connected with this beautiful sport, I was hooked.

4.    What is your greatest sporting achievement to date and why was it so important for you? 

The one that stands out is being wheelchair fencing champion in the Italian National Championships 2024 in May. After having to overcome so many adversities as a migrant and to get to training every day, it proved that if you want something and work hard for it you can achieve it with persistence and a lot of determination. (Supported by the RPT, Grueso travelled to the 2024 Wheelchair fencing America’s Championship in Brazil in May and won a bronze medal in the Men’s Epee Category B, another of his greatest sporting achievements to date).

5.    Has there been an important moment that has been a turning point in your life? 

For me the biggest turning point in my life was the death of my mother because she was our pillar, the one who looked after us. After her death, I had to take charge of my life when I was only 16 years old, having to work to be able to finish my studies. The accident was also a turning point because when it happened, I had to leave everything behind and start from scratch.  

6.    What was the biggest lesson you learned on your journey?

The greatest lesson I learned is to never to give up, no matter how difficult the situation may seem, you can always move forward by acting on what you have done well, while respecting others.  

7.    What does it mean to you to be part of the Paralympic Refugee Team?

When I arrived in Italy, I felt like I was in the dark. It was difficult as a migrant to find a place to train, to eat properly and to have the optimal rest that a high-performance athlete requires. But then I met Daniele Pantoni who from the first day has been by my side helping me train and assisting me with my every need. By obtaining political asylum, I could not compete in international competitions at first but thanks to Refugee Paralympic Team I have been able to participate again in international competitions. Being part of this team is like God has answered my prayers.

8.    What are your hopes for Paris?

My dream is to win a Paralympic medal and to finish writing my book.  Due to all the time it’s taken to get my paperwork and refugee status, I have not been able to compete internationally as much as I would have liked. But I will give it my all and thanks to the amazing technical team behind me, I believe we can achieve great things. 

9.    What message do you hope to send to others?

The advice I would give to everyone is to never stop dreaming and that no matter how difficult your life or the moment you are facing, don't give up, keep fighting. The day you least expect it, you will find that light at the end of the tunnel and that wonderful moment will come when everything changes for the better.   

10.    What has sport meant to you and your life?

Sport means everything to me because it is thanks to sport that I have been able to rebuild my life. To meet all the wonderful people that surround me today and above all to be able to inspire others to follow their dreams. That is the thing that fulfils me the most now. Sport gives me this platform to motivate others to fight for their dreams and to never give up.