World Shooting Para Sport Athletes' Committee and Sport Committee


Sport Committee Nominees - Final

Athletes' Committee Nominees - Final

Click here for the detailed process for the election of the World Shooting Para Sport (WSPS) Sport Committee and Athlete’s Committee.

NPCs may endorse multiple candidates for the Athletes' Committee, and candidates must complete the form (to be provided on 1 April) to nominate themselves. NPCs may only nominate one person for the Sport Committee, and NPCs must also complete the form (to be provided on 1 April) on the nominee's behalf. 

Please review the Terms of Reference for the committees using the links below and ensure you understand their remit before proceeding in this process. 

Sport Committee 

Athletes’ Committee 


01 April 2024: WSPS to open the application process.

01 May 2024: Application deadline.

  • For the Athletes’ Committee the applicant must submit the application including NPC endorsement. 
  • For the Sport Committee, the NPC will submit the application on behalf of the applicant. 

07 May 2024: WSPS to review the entries for eligibility, using the terms of reference as predetermined criteria.

10 June 2024: WSPS to email the sport community with each eligible candidate’s application packet and announce the virtual election start date.

01 July 2024: Virtual elections to end.

02 July 2024: WSPS to contact each elected individual to notify them of their new position.

14 November 2024: Sport Committee Chairpersons to attend virtual Chairpersons Forum 2024.

No later than 31 December 2024: WSPS to schedule and host the first Sport Committee and Athletes’ Committee meetings.

World Shooting Para Sport will continue to update our stakeholders through the election process until the ultimate announcement of the elected committee members. For questions regarding this information, please email