Martin Falch (AUT) competes in the Men's Standing Giant Slalom at the Vancouver 2010 Paralympic Winter Games

This week’s International Paralympic Committee (IPC) Alpine Skiing European Cup competition in Pitztal, Austria, from 9-11 December will be a game setter.

Morgan Perrin competing

Morgan Perrin is returning to competitive skiing after breaking his foot during the World Championships in Italy.

Marie Bochet competing at the Vancouver Games

Marie Bochet discusses her competition, Germany's Andrea Rothfuss.

Mathias Lanzinger in action

Austria's former able-bodied European Cup winner, Matthias Lanzinger was met with stiff competition after entering his first para-Alpine Skiing competition on Thursday.

Mathias Lanzinger in action

The former able-bodied skiier will make his first appearance as a para-skiier after a serious accident in 2008.

Michael Bruegger competing

The Paralympic silver medallist is on track for a solid performance at the Sochi 2014 Paralympic Winter Games.

Thomas Pfyl competing

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Three-time Paralympic medal winner adjusts to new prosthesis on the slopes.

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Anatoly Pakhomov, Mayor of Sochi today received the Peace and Sport flag from HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco and Joel Bouzou, President and Founder of Peace and Sport, marking the fact that Sochi will be hosting the major peace-making sports event, the 6th Peace and Sport International Forum in 2012.

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Adam Hall

Inside Sports Alpine Skiing

Australians secure services of Alpine Skiing coahces Maren Goll and Alison Bombardier

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Adam Hall and Michael Johnson made Members of the New Zealand Order of Merit