IPC Swimming World Championships
13-19 July

Glasgow 2015 - News

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Maddison Elliott

Une soirée inattendue à Montréal 2013 pour la championne mondiale Jessica Long défaite aux mains de l’Australienne âgée de quatorze ans, Maddison Elliott.

A picture of a man swimming

Les plus célèbres champions du monde paralympique ont démontré qu’ils étaient encore au sommet de leur forme, tandis que les jeunes sont entrés de plein pied dans l’arène.

Mary Fisher, NZL, competing at the 2013 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal

Fisher et Boki sont en bonne voie de gagner leurs cinquièmes titres mondiaux consécutifs à Montréal.

Mary Fisher, NZL, competing at the 2013 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal

Fisher and Boki looking to win their fifth consecutive world title in Montreal.

Benoit Huot at the 2010 IPC Swimming World Championships

Read what the athletes said when they came off the pool

Maddison Elliott

Evening of upsets at Montreal 2013 headlined by the defeat of multiple world champion Jessica Long to 14 year-old Maddison Elliot.

A picture of a woman in the pool with her head and shoulders above the surface

Les têtes d’affiche Britannique, Canadienne et Néo-Zélandaise Eleanor Simmonds, Valérie Grand’Maison et Sophie Pascoe vont clore les compétitions du jour 7 des Championnats du monde de natation IPC.

Olga Sviderska, Ukraine

Olga Sviderska établit un nouveau record mondial au 150 m quatre nages individuel SM3.

Jessica Long à Montréal 2013

Jessica Long obtient son troisième titre mondial en un temps record.

Jessica Long at Montreal 2013

Long wins third consecutive world title in world record time.

Olga Sviderska, Ukraine

Olga Sviderska sets new world record in women's 150m individual medley SM3.

Montreal 2013 Day 1 heats

Read what the athletes said when they came off the water.

Jessica Long

Les détenteurs de records mondiaux et leurs rivaux seront au devant de la scène au sixième jour de Montréal 2013.

A picture of a woman in the pool with her head and shoulders above the surface

Paralympic and world champions are all safely through to the finals on day four of Montreal 2013.

A picture of a woman in the pool with her head and shoulders above the surface

Les champions paralympiques et mondiaux se sont tous qualifiés aux finales de la cinquième journée.

A picure of a man in the pool holding starting block with his hands

Le canadien Benoît Huot mène la course vers la finale au 200 m quatre nages individuel SM10.

Swimming - women's 50m backstroke S2 - 2013 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal

Ukraine, lead the standings at the IPC Swimming World Championships, six medals ahead of Great Britain, as the USA try to catch up with Jessica Long and Cortney Jordan.

Matthew Cowdrey at 2013 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal

Australia and Great Britain have become the men’s and women’s world relay champions after an absolutely gripping conclusion to day 4 of Montreal 2013.

Matthew Cowdrey at 2013 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal

Deux médailles d’or pour le Canada ce soir.

A picure of a man in the pool holding starting block with his hands

Canada’s Benoit Huot leads the field into the men’s 200m individual medley SM10 finals.