Paralympic Games
24 August - 5 September 2021

Tokyo 2020 - News

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Tokyo 2020 success

After winning the Games in September 2013, Tokyo 2020 has progressed at great speed and with great enthusiam.

Tokyo 2020 react to the news that they have won the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games

Yoshiro Mori, President of the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee wants the Tokyo Paralympics to leave a legacy for Japan and the world.

Japanese swimmer Mei Ichinose holds a sign where it is written "Make difference shine"

Japanese swimmer Mei Ichinose hopes to inspire others and change perceptions in her country at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games

Two men sitting on a podium behind a table with microphones in front of them

IPC Governing Board member Yasushi Yamawaki is also President of the Japanese Paralympic Committee. On the 50th anniversary of the Tokyo 1964 Paralympic Games Closing Ceremony he looks ahead to what Tokyo 2020 can do for Japan.

Tokyo 1964 v Tokyo 2020 Games comparison

Find out how each summer Paralympics since 1964 has contributed to the growth of what is now the world’s third largest sporting event.

Countries lined up in Oda Field at the Tokyo 1964 Paralympics

Some things you might not know about the 1964 Paralympic Games held 50 years ago and the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games.

Transport and Accessibility at Tokyo 1964 Paralympic Games

Find out how athletes were transported to the Tokyo Paralympics 50 years ago and what they can expect to find in the Japanese capital in 2020

Japanese atheltes in a row listening

Japanese athlete Katsumi Suzaki talks about the challenges of the Tokyo 1964 Paralympics, and how things are looking for 2020.

Two young women wearing ski clothes and a silver medal holding hands and waving

Great Britain’s Paralympic silver medallist Jade Etherington has announced her retirement, and the USA’s Tatyana McFadden completes a second Marathon Grand Slam.

UK team in the opening ceremony of the Paralympic Games in Tokyo 1964

Saturday 8 November will mark 50 years since the Opening Ceremony of the Tokyo 1964 Paralympic Games.

Samsung Paralympic Bloggers for the 2012 Paralympic Games

Samsung signs an agreement with the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) to extend partnership through to the PyeongChang 2018 and Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games.

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Panasonic joins the likes of Atos, Ottobock, Samsung and Visa as Worldwide Paralympic Partners.

Two men sitting on a podium behind a table with microphones in front of them

IPC President Sir Philip Craven and Governing Board member Yasuhi Yamawaki addressed the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan on Thursday

Japanese people standing in a line under a Tokyo 2020 banner

Japan and the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee held celebrations to mark 50 years since the Tokyo 1964 Games.

An artist's impression of how the Tokyo 2020 national stadium will look

Para-badminton to make its Paralympic Games debut at Tokyo 2020

An artist's impression of how the Tokyo 2020 national stadium will look

Twenty four sports have applied to be included in the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games

Two men sitting at a desk

The athletes’ commission, made up of 21 leading figures of the Japanese sporting community, will assist in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games preparations

Tokyo 2020 relay

Participants inspire the disaster-affected areas over the two-week relay

Smiling women holds card with the number six to the camera. Text under the picture says 6 years to go!

Paralympian Mami Sato is one of the faces of #InsideTokyo2020

Paralympic pins in the colours gold, silver and bronze

All proud Paralympians from Sochi 2014 onwards will receive specially designed pins from the International Paralympic Committee to recognise their achievements.