female Para sprinter Barbara Niewiedzial raises her arms on the podium

Bydgoszcz replaces Berlin for penultimate event of season

A group of male blind footballers stand with a blindfolded mascot holding a trophy and the Argentinian flag

‘The Bats’ beat England in replay of 2018 final

male wheelchair fencers Hu Daoliang and Feng Yanke hold up their medals and smile

Second World Cup of the year sees Asian nation take control

Pyha Preview | 2019 World Para Snowboard Championships

Youth, Dutch power and four-way cross headline Championships

Male boccia player throws red ball

Athletes around Europe kick off 2019 season

A group of Para ice hockey players celebrating.

World Championships to feature quarter finals for first time

three female single amputee sprinters crossing the finish line

Shock defeat for Paralympic champion in Ancona

female wheelchair tennis player Aniek van Koot plays a backhand on a hard court

Unexpected result in all-Dutch Super Series final

Spencer Wood | 'Rookie Haircut'

Raclette, pink hair and an undefeated run make World Cup one to remember