Opportunities, Challenges in Paralympic Sport Science & Sport Medicine Support
20-23 September

VISTA 2017 - News

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Beatrice Vio

Top ten Rio 2016 quotes

From wheelchair fencer Vio thanking her toy mascot for the gold medal to archer Drahoninsky proposing to his girlfriend - check out some of the best reactions at the Paralympic Games.

Gold medalist Muhammad Ziyad Zolkefli of Malaysia celebrate on the podium

Rio 2016: Top five surprises

From Malaysia claiming their first ever Paralympic golds to the all-British wheelchair tennis final, check out some of the biggest surprises at this year’s Paralympics.

GBR's Basketball team at Rio 2016

Tokyo 2020 CEO Muto meets IWBF

Toshiro Muto attended wheelchair basketball competition at Rio 2016 to see how they can make the sport a success at the next Paralympics.