Opportunities, Challenges in Paralympic Sport Science & Sport Medicine Support
20-23 September

VISTA 2017 - News

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black and white picture of an archer in a wheelchair

Who introduced archery to the Paralympic Movement?

Sir Ludwig Guttmann chose archery to open the programme of the first International Games for the Disabled at Stoke Mandeville in 1948. Later on it was one of the original Paralympic sports at the Rome 1960 Paralympic Games.

A picture of an overview of a stadium

5: Sydney 2000

The Sydney 2000 Paralympic Games got the Paralympic Movement back on the track with a sensational showcase of sport.

Juan Antonio Samaranch and Bob Steadward sign first IOC-IPC Agreement, shaking hands

7: First IPC-IOC Agreement

A historic Memorandum of Understanding was signed by the IPC and IOC in 2000 providing the foundation of their future relationship.